• Training Master Series

    George Limin Gu (顾立民), Co-founder, Improvement Consulting (改进咨询), and his team share with us the first video interviews of his Training Master Series, TMS talk. George facilitates remarkable interviews with Talent Development and HPT professionals.

    Elaine Biech

    Dr. Roger Kaufman

    Bob Pike

    Dr. James Kirkpatrick

    Dr. Roger Addison

    Guy Wallace

    Dr. Carl Binder

    Dr. Richard Clark

    Bill Wiggenhorn

    Dr. Ruth Clark

    Elliot Masie

    Dr. Robert Brinkerhoff

    Dr. Robert Branson

    Dr. John Keller

    Dr. Harold Stolovich

    Dr. Michael Allen

    Dr. Nancy Burns

    Dr. Robert Reiser

    Dr. William Rothwell

    Dr. Klaus Wittkuhn

    Dr. Judy Hale

    Dr. James Klein

    Dr. Jack Phillips

    Dr. Ronald Jacobs

    Dr. Jeanne Anderson

    Dr. Marcy Driscoll

    Dr. Karen Watkins

    Lynne Kearny

    Margo Murray

    Dr. Greg Sales

    Dr. Victoria Marsick

    Dr. Will Thalheimer

    Dr. Fernando Senior

    John Lazar

    Dr. Patti Phillips

    Belia Nel

    Darlene Van Tiem

    Magda Mook

    Dr. Roz Tsai

    Dr. Clark Quinn

    Alex Salas

    Dr. Richard Swanson

    Donald Clark

    David James

    Dr. Patti Shank

    Dr. Gary DePaul

    Dr. Mariano Bernardez

    Dr. Tim Brock

    Dr. John Turner

    Dr. David Ulrich