• ISPI Individual Member Journey

    Embark on a new professional journey to elevate your career and make a difference. 

    Becoming an ISPI member opens doors to tools, topics, techniques, and stakeholders to help you improve performance by taking a systemic view and achieving measurable results.

    No matter where you are in your performance improvement career,

    ISPI can help you make the most of it.

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    ISPI Individual Member's

    Pathway to Success



    Whether you are a Learning Professional, Manager, Leaders, Student or Faculty, ISPI has the Tools, Strategies and Resources to Help You Make a Difference


    Download ISPI’s Guide to Your Professional Journey


  • ISPI Individual Membership Benefits

    Gold Membership Discounts are available for developing countries and students.

    Download ISPI’s Guide to Your Professional Journey

    individual membership comparison chart
  • Individual Membership That Fits Your Needs

    ISPI has various membership levels available to fit your professional needs and budget.

    Find the one that works best for you. Please refer to Membership Benefits Overview for additional details.

    Most Popular

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    per month*
    • Gold Members receive a 30% discount on ISPI offerings like the annual conference and other eligible products.
    • Unrestricted access to member content, ISPI publications, and more.
    • Opportunities to apply for ISPI awards, to join or chair a committee, ...
    • * $215 billed annually
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    Developing Countries


    per month*

    ISPI is proud to support research and professional development in developing country by offering this 50% discount on Gold membership and other eligible ISPI services.

    • To qualify, your country must be listed on UN Report.
    • * $107.50 billed annually
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    per month*
    • 20% discount on selected ISPI offerings.
    • Limited access to member content and ISPI publications.
    • Cannot publish articles, chair a committee nor apply for ISPI Awards.
    • * $105 billed annually
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    per month*
    • 10% discount on selected ISPI offering.
    • Restricted access to member content and benefits.
    • Cannot publish articles, join a committee nor apply for ISPI Awards.
    • * $55 billed annually
  • ISPI Member Bonus

    Get your FREE copy of

    Essential Job Aids for Performance Consulting

  • Gold Membership is less than $18/month*

    One of the most important steps toward advancing careers in the exciting field of human performance improvement is to join a professional association. If you are a manager, practitioner, researcher, teacher, student, or professor, or if you work as a part of a learning community, ISPI is for you.


    * $215 billed annually, discounts available for developing countries and students.



  • FAQs

  • Member Feedback

    “Everyone was engaged and excited about ISPI's future. I enjoyed the presentations and workshops, but the conversations were the most significant aspect of the event for me. I spent the week talking with people who shared similar interests and who understood the meaning of Performance Improvement without needing any explanation.”

    “I had the opportunity to learn new things, share my experiences with others, and forge new friendships.”


    “I am already looking forward to next year's conference and the opportunity to reconnect with my ISPI family once again.”

    “As a member of ISPI for nearly four years and the president of an ISPI chapter, I thought I had a good grasp of what the organization was all about. However, it was at the 2024 conference that I genuinely experienced ISPI as my community and my professional home.”

    “The energy, passion, and knowledge shared by the attendees, speakers, and organizers were genuinely inspiring. I left the conference feeling reinvigorated and more connected to my fellow Performance Improvement professionals than ever before.”

  • Ready to Accelerate your Career?